Friday, March 28, 2008

Almost 34 weeks Pregnant!

I went to the doctor on Tuesday! Everything is GREAT! My belly measures at 41, and I have gained only about 30 lbs... the doctor says I should consider myself lucky! Let's see how much more I can pack on in the next few weeks!

The babies are very active and getting BIG... I have the next BIG ultrasound on April 4th, where we can estimate just how big these little angels are! I am having a hard time moving around now- my belly is just big and in the way. Sleeping is a chore... I do ok, but getting up 5 times a night to pee is no fun- and then not being able to find a comfortable position.

I keep telling myself- only a few more WEEKS! That's right, weeks! Dr. said about 50% of twins are born between 33 and 36 weeks! WOW! I'm close! Thank you all for checking up with me and making me stay current on this blog. I can't wait to start posting the babies pictures here instead of my silly belly shots!! :)

Tick tock! Love you all! V and H +2

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Almost 8 Months Preg!!

We had another wonderful ultrasound today... The babies are weighing in at a whoppin' 3 lbs 12 oz EACH! We are so fortunate! They are healthy, active and BIG! I will go to the doctor and ultrasound tech every 2 weeks now. They will schedule a c-section at 38 or 39 weeks, but the dr. thinks they will come well before then. Babies are in charge and when they are ready, I will go into labor and they will come! Anytime after mid April will be great- this will give time for their lungs to fully develop. I am almost 32 weeks now and have gained almost 30 pounds, which really isn't that much for carrying TWO! My Sciatica is still affecting my right side, however, I am learning how to cope with the pain. I am on STRICT bed rest now, which means I really shouldn't even carry a purse! Hector has been a dream. He is handling the responsibility with such grace, I am so lucky! We are getting anxious and impatient, waiting and waiting for the babies to be healthy enough to enter this crazy world. We will keep you posted as we get new information. For now, thank you for your support, love and for sharing our excitement- it really means the world to us! We simply cannot wait for the babies to meet all of you wonderful and important people in our lives! Hugs and kisses, Hec and V, plus 2~