Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Countdown has Begun!!

We are almost there! The babies are doing awesome and we are ready to introduce them to this crazy world. If they do not come on their own in the next week, our doctor will induce me on April 29th at 1:30pm! 9 days and counting! My Sciatica has been in full force the past week, so I am hoping for some relief from the leg/back pain when they are born. Our girl has turned, yet again, head first getting ready for arrival. We will have the babies at Santa Teresa Kaiser sometime in the next 9 days! How great is that! YAY! We are ready, for the most part- just very anxious to see what they look like, hug and kiss them and give them identities... Hector has been the most amazing partner- I am so very fortunate and couldn't ask for more. He is going to be the best daddy in the world, so loving and so involved in everything! We are truly blessed. We will try to bring our lap tops/cell phones to the hospital so we can keep you all updated! Much love- wish us luck! Hec and V Plus 2...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so excited for you guys! Can't wait to see all of you together - what a beautiful family you will be!
